Beta launch! - Ping Up
Ping up

Beta launch!

Beta testing at Ping Up has kicked off

Whilst the title may seem like we are announcing the arrival of a little boy, what we actually mean is that we have just released our app for beta testing!

Our public launch is right around the corner and we’re just dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s on our app. We wanted a few of our users to try out the app and give us some feedback to make it even better before it’s time to go public. In this period, we’re releasing build after build, incorporating feedback, and testing our little fingers off, but the payoff will be worth it; a better app for all of you. So hold tight, it’s almost time to download and invest in your future. Follow the socials, get on the waitlist, and we’ll be Pinging Up in no time.

Join the waitlist on our webpage to stay updated about when the Ping Up app officially launches on the Play Store.

Don’t wait any longer, download Ping Up today to start your investment journey.
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Pingup- investment platform in Pakistan

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Pingup- investment platform in Pakistan
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